Torn leaf

Torn leaf is an experimental online gallery that publishes all sorts of things.

My goal is to bring together different communities that wouldn't normally cross paths. It's a place where big names and small names can combine their efforts and create something together.

Torn Leaf is now and forever accepting two types of submissions:

Logo Submission

Send me your version of the Torn Leaf logo. It can be anything you want. And tell me how you want to be credited. That's all. No other information is needed. My email is at the bottom of the page.

Full Submission

A full submission is a bigger deal. It's more special, so the submission needs to involve a little bit more. Scroll down to find out more!

I'll accept a huge range of full submissions, from the serious to the silly — as long as you put your heart into it and express yourself.

If your work is usually serious and academic, this is a chance for you to do something more creative and fun. If your work is usually small and lighthearted, this is a chance for you to do something big and important. Here are some words for your moodboard:


Your full submission needs the following things.

Submit now

Send your submission (and any further questions) to